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Put a stop to unsolicitored s----ly explicit emails.

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject: Put a stop to unsolicitored s----ly explicit emails.

I am asking this site to put a stop to unsolicitored s----ly explicit emails.

I am sick of it and my account is hanging by a thread over this .

The day before i went to London i had 3 emails from the same person and i would not repeat the contents of them here! i just moved the cursor over delete account but then decided to tell this man what i thought of him and i also asked him if he would walk up to me on the street and say that to my face? i have had no reply.

I am asking this site to put a stop to it "now" its easy to do you either have a Zero tolerance of it or 2 strikes and you are out "use IP Block" to prevent them returning under another name ( i pressume you do use that blocking system?) .

You have rules that you allow others to abuse and as an example the picture upload rules! it states no images of animals! yet your staff allow them to be uploaded , i have seen transexual horses transvestite cats admiring dogs and even a cross dressing eagle.

You have a box in the profiles to report spam ect and you view that mail and take action well now its time to get this place rid of the people who join this site just to live out s----l fantasys by sending unsolicitored s----l emails on thier pray .I know some people may enjoy recieving them but i think i speak for most decent females on here it is not acceptable anymore "fix it please" you have the power to do it so do it! it will cost you nothing but if you allow it to continue it will cost you members and i am one of them.

I want you to respond to this within 48 hours and say you will do it or at the very least look into it and find a way to put a stop to it "soon" as i said its not hard work and if you think that sounds hard try putting yourself in our shoes (no that doe's not mean you can borrow my heels) i for one am just sick of it .

Thanks Julia.

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January 5, 2005
Posts: 970

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This network consists of several million profiles with large numbers of members signing up everyday.

The amount of email flowing through the network on an hourly basis is significant.

To help members, we have added a Block Management system, which allows a member to block contact from members they are not interested in.

So, here are our recommendations:

1) If a member sends you an email you do not like, block them.
(There is a BLOCK option in the email area.)

2) If you feel that someone has violated the TOS (Terms of Service), report them.
(There is a REPORT link in every email, and on every profile page.)

Due to the size of this network, we cannot preemptively review all email messages to decide what should and should not be delivered to any particular member.

That would involve us preemptively reading all email messages between members and then preventing the ones that we think the recipient might find objectionable.

Not only is this not possible due to the number of emails flowing through the system, it would also just be creepy.

And we need to point out that everyone is different. What one member might find objectionable, another member might find funny or flirty.

With regards to your comment about not allowing animals in photos, we were trying to make a point that the primary reason for photos within our sites is to allow people to show themselves to others. But we will alllow people to display animals in their profiles provided they have a photo of themselves.

Everything about our system is designed to give members the ability to help us make the network work for them.

So, to recap, when you receive objectionable email, either block the member who sent it, or report them...or both.

We review EVERY report made by members, and when appropriate, we take action.



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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`I want to s--- ---r ---- and taste you --- untill you are dry! .And you (FEEDBACK) say other members may find that funny or flirty? "NO IT IS DIRTY FILTH" Not flirty niether do i find it funny .

That is just one weak sentence taken from 3 emails i recieved from the same person "a complete stranger" and if some of your members find that kind of thing funny or flirty then they should not be here.

Is it not to much to ask then that you could put in the rules that unsolicitored s----l emails to strangers "will not" be accepted and will result in a ban from the site?.

I think you know me by now i am most likely the most active person on this site in the forums and the reason for that is i care .

I will explain! I am 54 years old and to put it lightly up untill recently have had a s--- life "i do not want others to go through what i have" .

I spend a lot of my spare time working with the police/hate crime service/ the BBC/the press or anyone who will listen , this also costs me money and i do not do it for fun! i even worked with you to get a press project out as you know .
I will be dead soon and i want to make a difference before i go . I do know i have saved 2 lives (that i know of) but being transexual is not a walk in the park and anyone on here or anywhere that says it is easy is a liar! it is not easy .

Now going back to why i started this thread! i did not ask for much and you may say i have no right to ask for anything "but" a young nieve transexual joining this site then recieving emails like that above would or should be shocked , nothing in this world shocks me anymore i think i have seen it all and heard it all but i or knowone else should have to it is just plain sick simple as and it is definatly not funny .
Someone somewhere who runs this place must be able to see that or would you prefere going down what you once said to me " a site for sewer rats" they were your words discribing other websites.

I know you are not bothered about me as i am just one person "but" think of the thousands that will join in the future! this should be a safe place to find friends! friends they can get help and support from and even maybe a possable relationship .

You say block these people! the person who made me post this has gone and if you had IP Ad blocked them they could not return! he will come back like they all do for thier s----l kicks.

I am giving you ideas here to make this place better at least listen to me because i care.


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January 5, 2005
Posts: 970

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Julia...we cannot do anything unless people report people who misbehave.

As far as we know, you never reported that member.

If they are gone, then perhaps someone else did...and maybe we deleted them.

We don't know because all we have to go on are the comments you have posted in the public forum area.

In the future, if you have a problem like this, we would recommend you use the tools that are in place to:
1) Block the member who contacts you
2) Report them.

We aren't really sure what you want us to do.

We have added Blocking and Reporting tools into the network to allow members to alert us to problems, and then we take action.

Again, as far as we know, you never did either of these things in this case.

If you did, then we have misunderstood the situation.

As to the content of the message sent to is a violation of the TOS (Terms of Service)...and if you had reported it, then we would have taken action.

We do have rules that specifically state that members are not supposed to send messages like that...and we have blocking tools, and reporting tools to address people who ignore the rules.

You make it sound like we aren't trying to address this issue, and we don't understand why you seem to feel this way.

To recap:
1) There are rules against messages like the one you describe.
2) There are tools to block members who send messages like that.
3) There are reporting tools to report members who send messages like that.
4) We review EVERY reported member/email/post to determine if there has been a violation of the TOS (Terms of Service).
5) If there is a violation of the TOS, we take action.
6) Action can consist of deletion and/or banning from the network.

If you have any ideas on how we can make things work better for members, we are very open to any and all suggestions.

We work very hard (every day) to make this network work for the members, and we do not like it when it appears that we are not doing everything possible to address issues of concern.



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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`Feedback! Do you think these people can read? and if they can they obviously do not read the TOS .

This member is still on the site so are you asking me to report him as a spammer? if you are then i will but i do not call that spam.

I think i have made it clear! Put some text on the home page warning these people they will not be tolerated and removed " it is that easy" .

I will now go to my profile and report this member "but it is not spam" it is filth and when i see him gone i will most likely follow .

[added] I have just found you another one! get rid of him too please.

I wish you all the best Julia..

Added info: I have just reported the member from his profile and also as spam! it is not spam i just want you to read the email then tell me "its funny". I have said before a young nieve person could take this the wrong way.

Not in this post in a past post i stated that any young confused trans person logging into websites and seeing S-- s-- S-- would be asking themselves is this who i am? is this my life? is this normal? Like i said i care and it is not normal and that kind of thing can make a young person not want to be here! and i do not mean here on the site i mean here in this life the suicide rates tell you that and i am trying my hardest to make a difference! one more suicide is one more to many.

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January 5, 2005
Posts: 970

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Julia...we really don't understand why you are attacking us.

This site (and the network as a whole) is a work in progress.

We are trying to make things work, and since the entire 200+ sites are 100% free, we only have the revenue from ads to support the staff that is working on all this.

We have exchanged enough email with you that you should know that we are sincere when we say we are working hard on making the sites better...yet the tone you use towards us is mean.

We honestly don't understand it.

If your point is that we should have a different type of 'REPORT' button (ie. one that doesn't say SPAM), then you have a good point.

But that isn't where this all started, and we really don't understand why you are attacking us.

We haven't sent any mean or rude messages to you, and we have only tried to make the site better for everyone.

If you decide to leave, we hope you find a site that is able to meet your high standards, without ever making a mistake or a misstep in how they handle something...because it sure seems like you are looking for someone to take your anger out on...and it really shouldn't be us.


PS. As soon as you reported the member in question, we could see what was sent, and he was deleted from the network. That is how the system is supposed to work.


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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`Feedback! you know me better than that! I am not attacking you i am trying to help you make this place better for everyone but i am not a cleaner here to clean the place up.

I am not angry either! 6 days ago a very good friend of mine ended her life! She could not go through with her transition so she ended it with a bottle of pills. I will admit i am hurting and maybe feeling guilty that i was not there for her but through all of this i still went to London and put a fake smile on my face to talk to those students "i am strong" but i am not superwoman .

Thank you for removing him so fast .

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January 5, 2005
Posts: 970

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Sorry to hear of your loss!

We have added into the 'To-do' list an update/addition to the reporting system so that members can report an email/profile without having to identify it as 'Spam'.

Our guess is that this option will be live within the next week.



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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`Feedback! Thank you it took a while to get there but it worked.

As for my loss! its a loss to this world she was 21 years old and had been rejected by her family and friends after coming out 2 years ago , she could of had a fantastic life ahead of her but other people saw fit to push her to the edge .The sadest thing is not just her ending her life but i was told that she left a note saying sorry to her mother and father! It is her mother and father who should be sorry for rejecting her along with her friends she was a beautiful person but they could not see it.

I sometimes say things that may seem out of place to some but as i said i care and however small one problem may seem to one person to another it can be a big problem and end in a tragic loss of life .

I am logging out now i have deleted most of my photo's but i will not be another faceless ex member as there are far to many of them now and some were my friends.

Goodbye wether it be for now or forever and thank you for your time.


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